
The Zainab are known to visit Red Mountain to gather precious glass ore. Their proximity to the cliffs of Red Mountain and the Valley of the Wind cements their association with the element of air. They practice open-air burials. Such that as you climb the bluffs up to Red Mountain, one may find burials with their mummified remains dried out in the dusty air. There are rumors of a “Zainab Burial Cavern” which is housed within a large rock formation, pocketed like swiss cheese so that wind howls through it. Wind is frequently associated with “voice” and so this is related to the Zainab reputation for being shrewd traders.

Racer plumes are a common funerary offering among the Zainab.1


For hunters, the Zainab usually offer racer plumes. We need at least ten of them so we can display them in a fan pattern as we approach.
— Nirani (dialogue)1

Zainab - Wind | Storm / Voice


We leave our dead in high places so the cliff racers and beasts of the air can carry them to their ancestors. Take the road north out of the camp, then turn west on the road and go through the pass into the Ashlands. Turn south on the road and look for a smaller Ashlander camp.
— Zainab Ashlander (dialogue)1


  1. Red Wisdom - An Ashlander Prophecy 2 3