
Part of the kanet family, the Blue Kanet is hardier than the showier Gold Kanet. It has a large five-part terminal flower nestled among a cluster of smaller flowers on a broad platform of leafy bracts. These bract formations are often much larger than the true leaves. The leaves themselves have a prickly-edge with sharp spines and smaller than in the gold kanet which can be read about in the entry below. Unlike its cousins, the terminal flower of the blue kanet appears before the leaves, bracts, and secondary flowers; which can result in stunning floral carpets during its initial bloom in Second Seed. Knee to shoulder-high. Found near rocks, scrub plains, rocky coasts, roadsides. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. Some hedge wizards attribute carrying blue kanet clippings to a “tongue-tied” condition which can affect a magic user’s ability to cast spells.[^1]

  1. Common Wildflowers of Vvardenfell