Gold kanet is a flowering plant commonly found in the Ascadian Isles and on Azura’s Coast.
— Anarenen (dialogue)
Gold Kanet is a flower commonly found in the Ascadian Isles and Sheogorad regions.
The showiest member of the kanet family, the Gold Kanet, is more popular than its cousin the Blue Kanet which is detailed in the entry above. Note the small five-part flowers in a loose corymb at the terminus of each stem. Unlike the blue kanet, these corymbs are bractless and curling. The sessile leaves have a prickly-edge with weak spines that is more pleasant making arrangements with. The stems of all kanet are glabrous and low-branching. Knee to shoulder-high. Found in meadows, near rocks, shores, roadsides. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. The common gold kanet has well documented uses in minor elixirs which restore strength. However, a rarer strain of gold kanet known as “Roland’s Tear” may have more powerful alchemical properties. See “Lutea’s Field Guide for Alchemists to the Magical Flora of Morrowind” for more information on the Roland’s Tear variety of gold kanet.[^1]