by Vicia Laeta

[species from the Ascadian Isles]

Black Anther

The Black Anther (occasionally styled ‘Black-Anther’ or ‘Blackanther’) is a six-part flower reminiscent of the common lily but for its downward tapering leaves and tendency to branch multiple flowers from the main stem when competitive pressure is low. Note the upward-facing blossoms with dark spotting near the stem (most spotted lilies nod) which turn to a vibrant violet color towards the tepal tip. Knee to shoulder-high. Found near rocks, lightly wooded areas, openings. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. The eponymous anther absorbs small amounts of light energy; alchemists have found it useful in weak potions.


Heather is an opportunistic shrub which can be found throughout northern Tamriel. Its hardy nature has even allowed it to adapt to Vvardenfell’s unique soils. It is unclear whether the relatively recent blight phenomenon will impact its ability to thrive on the island. A low fern-like evergreen shrub with tiny sharp needle-like leaves along twigs. Flowers pink, in clusters. Ankle high. Found near roadsides, areas of sparse vegetation. Ascadian Isles. While heather is mostly useless to the average alchemist, its delicate blossoms are used to lighten the mood in many a dwelling throughout Tamriel.

Kanet, Blue

Part of the kanet family, the Blue Kanet is hardier than the showier gold kanet. It has a large five-part terminal flower nestled among a cluster of smaller flowers on a broad platform of leafy bracts. These bract formations are often much larger than the true leaves. The leaves themselves have a prickly-edge with sharp spines and smaller than in the gold kanet which can be read about in the entry below. Unlike its cousins, the terminal flower of the blue kanet appears before the leaves, bracts, and secondary flowers; which can result in stunning floral carpets during its initial bloom in Second Seed. Knee to shoulder-high. Found near rocks, scrub plains, rocky coasts, roadsides. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. Some hedge wizards attribute carrying blue kanet clippings to a “tongue-tied” condition which can affect a magic user’s ability to cast spells.

Kanet, Gold

The showiest member of the kanet family, the Gold Kanet, is more popular than its cousin the blue kanet which is detailed in the entry above. Note the small five-part flowers in a loose corymb at the terminus of each stem. Unlike the blue kanet, these corymbs are bractless and curling. The sessile leaves have a prickly-edge with weak spines that is more pleasant making arrangements with. The stems of all kanet are glabrous and low-branching. Knee to shoulder-high. Found in meadows, near rocks, shores, roadsides. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. The common gold kanet has well documented uses in minor elixirs which restore strength. However, a rarer strain of gold kanet known as “Roland’s Tear” may have more powerful alchemical properties. See “Lutea’s Field Guide for Alchemists to the Magical Flora of Morrowind” for more information on the Roland’s Tear variety of gold kanet.


Stoneflower, with their large trumpet-shaped flowers, have a branching woody stem which will bend towards the ground when in bloom. The pleasantly aromatic flowers are dark blue and will generally bunch in pairs near the stem terminus. Large leaves are often in loose whorls of three. Knee to shoulder-high. Found on scrub plains, near rocks, shores, roadsides. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Grazelands, West Gash. Stoneflower petals are a popular and affordable component in personal fragrances.

Willow Flower

The Willow Flower’s large pink bloom is unmistakable. The name derives from the First Empire period Old Dunmereth “Wylloe”, or “[Departed’s] Will-Guide”, a word perhaps signifying its role in ancient Nord burial rituals. Flower is five-part and fades to a lighter pink towards the center. The pale anthers are prominently displayed at the center of the broad petals. Stem is woody and branching. Leaves alternate. Knee to shoulder-high. Found near rocks, lightly wooded areas, partial shade. Ascadian Isles, Azura’s Coast, Sheogorad. Willow anther is a common alchemical compound used in curative potions.


Source: OAAB_Data