Milyn Faram is a Telvanni sorcerer of some renown, whose residence at the tower of Odirniran is under siege by a group of Hlaalu. He has taken Vedelea Othril prisoner for “experiments”, and her sisters Farare and Remasa brought a rescue party to try and save her. Depending on which House you have joined, you will either help them or stop them.

Milyn Faram’s research has resulted in magical scrolls which can be used to summon Daedroth. If you rescue him from the Hlaalu and keep Vedelea unharmed, he will give you 7 of these. They can also be found in many other places as random loot. One guaranteed copy can be found on a table in Assu.


Scrolls of summoning are, without exception, based on the Law of Similarity as you must know. While others use parts of the creature, such as Daedra skin for summoning Daedra, I have developed a new methods, based on a recovered Dwemer machine. My scrolls only have an image of the Daedra, which works almost as well as a Daedra skin or heart… And at a fraction of the cost.
Milyn Faram (dialogue)


The “dwemer machine” mentioned by Milyn Faram is known as an “ideographer”.1


  • Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Forgery1
    • Milyn sells his Dwemer ideographer to Aryon and uses the funds to expand Odirniran.
  • Enchanted Quill Acquaintances[^2]
  • The Final Door1


  1. OAAB Grazelands 2 3